Concluding Thoughts on ‘Ben’s Vegan Vancouver’

A collage of photos from all of the vegan businesses who participated in this project

Review of Purpose When I visited Vancouver for the first time in 2017, I was intrigued by the quantity of plant-based restaurants within the city – particularly in its neighbourhoods of Kitsilano and Mount Pleasant. From what I observed even then, the philosophy of veganism seemed to be very important to the entrepreneurs and the […]

Blog 4: My Vegan Neighbours

Vancouver is home to more than 40 vegan businesses, and many of them are located in the neighbourhoods of Kitsilano and Mount Pleasant (Happy Cow, 2022). The following is an introduction to twelve vegan businesses, or VBs, and their entrepreneurs (VEs) who consented to participating in my project and being featured in my blog series. […]

Kind Conversations: Ashley Valverde of Mud Pie Vegan Bakery

Kind Conversations - Ashley Valverde of Mud Pie Vegan Bakery - kansas city - It_s Bree and Ben

We talked to Ashley Valverde about how they all started a vegan business in a not so vegan-friendly area, how they’ve managed to thrive during the pandemic, and why they’ve added gluten-free options to their vegan menu over the years.

How Vegans and Omnivores Can Co-Habitate Peacefully

How Vegans and Omnivores can co-habitate peacefully - It_s Bree and Ben

Throughout the course of our lives, we may find ourselves having to share a living space with others who have routines and diets quite different than our own. In our case, vegans and omnivores had to share a household.

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